Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Al Gore Caught Fudging the Numbers AGAIN!

Scientist Quoted by Gore Says "Al, I NEVER said that!"

This is another example of the spin machine behind certain elements of the environmentalist movement.  In a move that has become typical of Al Gore and his Ilk, Gore has used fear mongering based on falsified or selectively chosen data.

Notice Big Al's quote and what it means:
"These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr. [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years."

  • Fresh figures - Bull!  Read further down "Gore's office later admitted that the 75 percent figure was one used by Dr. Maslowski as a "ballpark figure" several years ago in a conversation with Gore."  So that was a pure lie.
  • "Some of the models suggest..." So this also means that other models don't suggest what he's proposing.  So there is no scientific agreement on this!!  Some models also suggest that I am going to suddenly disintegrate into vapors in 10 minutes but there's no reason for me to expect that its likely to happen
  • "75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years." Again....the word could so even Big Al thinks its only a chance.  This also means that there is a 75% chance that it might happen, not that it will happen.  His statement also means that there is a 25% chance that it definitely will not happen.

Tell me again why everyone listens to this clown?  Ultimately all he has communicated through his statement is that he has no facts and the only fact we know of for sure is that he selectively picks his data and doesn't hesitate to make up information when he finds the facts to be inconvenient.

Mind you, I'm not opposing the concepts of environmental responsibility and proper stewardship of our natural resources.  I am simply advocating intelligent decision making based on scientific facts.  Think about it...would you let a doctor operate on you who told you "there is a 75% chance that you might survive but there is a 25% chance that you will not survive"?  Of course not, you would realize that he's pulling numbers out of the air!  So why base our policies and the direction of the human race on something that doesn't pass basic scientific muster?

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