Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Health Insurers to Benefit From "Reform"

If you put a blind man in front of a dartboard, his odds of hitting the target are pretty slim but he will eventually hit the target of he throws enough darts.  One of the few observations Dean makes that rings of sense is that the requirement for all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a fine essentially guarantees health insurers more customers.  Dean calls the proposed plan an "Insurance Company Bailout".  Although this is, typical for the left wing, as wildly simplified view of how insurance works but there is truth to it.  Essentially, your money and your government will guarantee a steady flow of customers for the insurance companies.

I should start buying stock in Blue Cross Blue Shield and Cigna right away.

Of course the blind man at the dart board will only get one good shot and the next one will go wildly wide of the mark much like Dean who thinks that offering a public option is the right solution....which basically makes you and I pay for everyone else's medical care.

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