Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Growing Disbelief of the Global Warming Hoax

As early as March 2009, increasing numbers of Americans were doubting the "truth" of Gore's doomsday prophecies about Global Warming, according to Gallup

52% of Americans disagree with Al Gore that the "debate is over" on Global Warming while 59% think its based on falsified information.  47% think its totally natural and NOT man made.

 Americans are increasingly sceptical of global warming:Rasmussen Poll

And yet...despite the fact that American people are so divided on this issue and that so many people are unconvinced...our government is going right ahead with plans to hamstring our struggling economy with climate change deals that may be totally wasted efforts and will result in decreased human quality of life,  more controls over how people live and work and more government oppression.

What else is new?  Government stopped representing us a LONG time ago.

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